10 7

I am no longer able to divide my post into paragraphs. I have even gone back to edit them and put up to five lines in between and when I submit post they still post as one huge paragraph with no line breaks in between.

Crimson67 8 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Pull yourself together girl.. what you need. ..well you just do...


Hi Crimson67, nice to chat to you......I use a string of stops to kid the system into thinking the stops are a string of sentances, this will acheave your seperations. Just make them long enough.


Yea, hahaha, anoying isn't it?
I guess putting a single line with a dot or a dash will solve the issue. When I remember well, does putting a vertical space not result in a vertical space, but stil takes at least care of a "new line".

Gert Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

haha, yeah, I played for quite some time assuming it was me.


Hmm. I reported the same bug last night.

I wonder if it's been fixed?

(Edit: yep, guess so 🙂 )

Jnei Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

just checking if...

can get two paragraphs...

or perhaps even THREE!

Admin Level 9 Mar 10, 2018

It's the computer ghost!


Yes, same problem here.


I found out the same thing, pain in the arse quite frankly


Totally our bug! We're working on it today to fix... it gets tricky to get all the formatting things to work with the new text input. So sorry for the headaches 😟

Admin Level 9 Mar 10, 2018

But as you have pointed out a soothing cream for said pain is being administered 🙂

I've run into a few minor bugs, nothing as severe as @Crimson67 experienced. And I'm sure she'll agree: the site's positives far outweigh any annoyances. Ya'll are providing a great service; many thanks.

@batscradle let us know about the bugs and we can try to fix 🙂

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