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LINK Pelsoi describes that White House meeting: "It was very, very, very strange"

In case you weren't sure whether Trump was totally out of control!

Pelsoi describes that White House meeting: "It was very, very, very strange"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, speaking on stage at a Center for American Progress event, said her meeting with Trump at the White House meeting today was "strange" — but not surprising.

"It was very, very, very strange," she said. She also described it as "sad" at one point.

"We thought we had some level of agreement, but you never know with this President of the United States," she also said. "So that's what happened this morning."

Pelosi described the moment that Trump walked out as "an orchestrated — almost to a 'poor baby' point of view" situation.

Here's what Trump is tweeting about Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer

President Trump just sent a series of tweets about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer railing against Democratic overnight investigations into his administration.

In one, he says, "So sad that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will never be able to see or understand the great promise of our Country."

In another, he warns, "You can’t investigate and legislate simultaneously - it just doesn’t work that way."

Trump erupted over Nancy Pelosi's "cover-up" remark, source says

President Trump erupted this morning when he heard Nancy Pelosi accuse him of engaging in a cover up, according to a source familiar with his reaction.

Though he lashed out at the investigations overall in the Rose Garden, this person says he was the angriest about her remark.

Officials insist that if she had not said that, the infrastructure meeting would have gone on as scheduled.

"Bottom line: if Nancy Pelosi had not come out this morning and said what she said about "cover up," they would still be in there right now meeting on infrastructure," one senior White House official argued.

The official said "all was on track" until Pelosi made those comments this morning, setting Trump off.

Officials then scrambled to set up a Rose Garden event for Trump to address the media after his brief meeting with Democrats, as Kevin reported.

Trump met with the Democrats on infrastructure three weeks ago while the investigations were going on, and they were not brought up, the Democrats said. But Trump had voiced concern in recent days that he was being “played by Democrats” on infrastructure.

“You know I think what they want me to do is say, ‘Well what we'll do is raise taxes,’ and we'll do this and this and this, and then they'll have a news conference, see, Trump wants to raise taxes,” Trump said.

What Pelosi said: Pelosi on Monday night said the committees were on course to be successful and Democrats' message must be "No one is above the law," and that they are witnessing "the cover-up." The California Democrat also said they all agreed they needed to get to the truth, but that the public believes kitchen table issues must also be dealt with.

Here's this week's developments in the various investigations into Trump

House Judiciary subpoenas Hope Hicks, who is close to the president and knows the inner workings of his campaign and administration and Annie Donaldson whose notes and recollections were key for Mueller’s report.

Michael Cohen search warrants unsealed showing the extent of concern that Mueller investigators had about foreign influence through Cohen.

House Intelligence committee released hundreds of pages of Michael Cohen transcripts filled with allegations about the president’s conduct.

DOJ agrees to hand over underlying Mueller materials to House Intelligence committee.

The President, his family and company are appealing a lower court ruling to hand over his financial information to House Oversight by next week. Trump’s team has not sought to stay that ruling yet, with five days to go before Mazars must hand over the documents.

Trump attorneys are in court today in New York to stop a second congressional subpoena, of Deutsche Bank.
New York State is about to pass a law to allow for tax records to be handed over to congressional committees.
Nadler threatening next steps to force Don McGhan to testify after the White House directed him not to cooperate.

Schumer says Democrats were set up in their meeting with Trump today

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said that, while President Trump told Democrats today that he couldn't work with them while investigations are pending, he had been working with the party for weeks before — while investigations were going.

"But now that he was forced to actually say how he would pay for it, he had to run away," Schumer said.

Here's how he described Democrats' 5-minute meeting with the President this morning:

And he came up with this preplanned excuse. And one final point — it's clear that this was not a spontaneous move on the President's part. It was planned. When we got in the room, the curtains were closed. The President — there was a place for him at the front so he could stand and attempt to tell us why he wouldn't do infrastructure. And, of course, then he went to the Rose Garden with prepared signs that had been printed up long before our meeting.

Schumer added: "We are interested in doing infrastructure. It's clear the President isn't."

The White House planned that Rose Garden event earlier this morning

White House officials began planning earlier this morning for the Rose Garden event in which the President announced he couldn't work with Democrats as they proceed with their investigations.

Aides printed the podium poster and created handouts after Speaker Pelosi made her comment about Trump engaging in a "cover-up" -- but did not disinvite Pelosi or Sen. Schumer from their planned meeting on infrastructure.

Trump wanted to inform the Democrats of his move in person, according to an aide, leading to the 5-minute meeting in the Cabinet Room.

jerry99 8 May 22

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What did you expect insane moron

bobwjr Level 10 May 22, 2019

Well, on the bright side, maybe a bridge will collapse under the Presidential limo.....

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