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POLL Facial reading and manipulation has come a long way. What are your thoughts on the subject?

What are your thoughts on facial reading and manipulation?

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McWalsoft 6 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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In the 1970's, the satellites I used could identify a face of a person looking skyward and others could pick up an outside conversation. I can only guess at the level technologies have grown to in 40 years.

Dad had top secret clearance in the Army, during the 80's. Some of my classmates and friends were in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2006 onward. I worked in IT at a major hospital from 2011 - 2018. Tech has been around me since I can remember. I have no doubt that in the 70's satellites were as accurate as you say. Today I'm sure they could check flees on a shrew underground. That part isn't what bothers me. It's the manipulation of the likeness of people that does. Let's say we had a competent president that people respected. If a foreign entity broadcasted a speech that showed our president issuing a war or emergency warnings to evacuate a given area. There would millions of people in panicked states. Like when the nuclear alarms in Hawaii went off by mistake people panicked. I really hope I'm wrong about the misuse of this technology but I'm not naive enough to think it won't be.


Well, that's what the world must have felt like when artists discovered perspective and everuthing went from flat and one-dimensional to three dimensional. I refuse to be made paranoid by change. Live fearless!

I'm usually not a doomsday tech guy but this has all the makings of being misused. You can't tell me that having an artist start creating 3d work instead of one dimensional work has the same power as having a government officials being manipulated by a 3rd party. Russia and the US both try to influence elections all over the world. Now they can take (insert country's leader here) and make them say whatever they like. Just think how many people you know are influenced by fake information. Now just imagine that same fake information being spread in this realistic facial manner. This was only the face bring manipulated I didn't show you the voice being stolen yet.

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