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Sad, but an entirely predictable outcome of the system of corporate socialism we have. The stresses and downsides of the system are in a sense privatized. The outcome is suicide, violence, substance abuse and on and on. This has impacted poor and diverse communities for decades; they made "bad decisions." Now it is old angry lonely depressed white guys and it is a crisis.


Lingle says he could not take the anxiety and depression any longer and that his lottery tickets were not winning. The author downplays the part on the lottery tickets. i don't think he should have. Our lifestyles today create both anxiety and depression. We are told that we should win and that we will win. Everything is pushed at us in this manner today. It should be plain that not everyone will win. Things like this happen in a world where we have become the product.

Then we have drugs both legal and illegal. On TV you find constantly that drug companies are being sued because of wronghful death. On the illegal end of this we see that everyone wants that higher high. Drug makers are adding Fentanyl and causes overdose and death for many. Look at the wrong thinking our society is creating. It's all about money. The love of money.


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