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Who agrees the time for "thoughts and prayers" is over?

iamaceltic 3 Nov 12

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"Why would you pray after tragedy.
To a god who did nothing to prevent that tragedy?"

Onii Level 3 Nov 13, 2017

it's a lack-luster response for not having empathy with the human race!

ParkS Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

I am VERY ready for this to be over. It's insulting. Obviously you are aware that tragedy is/could/has happened, but choose zero action. Thinking you did not know hurts a lot less than having you confirm that you do, but can't be bothered.

Zster Level 8 Nov 12, 2017

I think that expressing thoughts for someone is absolutely fine. But offering prayers is making a BIG assumption about the recipient. I've personally had people offer me both thoughts and prayers when one of my parents passed, and I thanked them since they were just being caring, and which I really appreciated (the caring, not the prayers!).

Of course, the negative press around this phrase is that it does not translate into action. Such as when there's another mass shooting and thoughts and prayers are offered to those affected, but nothing happens in terms of a sensible debate on the factors that allowed such a thing to happen in the first place.


It's an overused nothing phrase, it's literally the very least they can do or say.
They can also make themselves appear 'godly' by saying it.
It's fake empathy.


The time to think has come but prayer is a relic of primitive thought speaking to a wall or an invisible judge in the sky has changed anything therefore we need to think and act but if we don't have time for the thoughts and you would be a cold machine just acting not being

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