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LINK Mulvaney Says It’s Too Early to Talk About Gun Politics

Right on cue. It's always too soon. πŸ˜”

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 2

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I mean really it’s only been a few days since Virginia Beach and a year since Parkland 3 years since Pulse and 7 years since Sandy Hook and 20 years since Columbine it’s just too soon to do anything. isn’t it?


But next week it will be too late.

gearl Level 8 June 2, 2019

Same Bullshit as rest of Republican party

bobwjr Level 10 June 2, 2019

BS. Thats always their ploy. Give everyone thoughts and prayers, but don't do anything else. Mulvaney needs to be removed along with all the other clowns in the WH.


They don't care about human lives..they only care the fetus...

Their fight for the fetus is not about the sanctity of life. Its about power over women, regardless what they say.

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