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This article appeared in the NY Times. It's a discussion of the failure of white churches to address the existence of racism within their walls; and the anger of white congregants when asked to confront these issues. Nothing surprising, I suppose, but sad to read. The folks who set themselves up as God's representatives can't show compassion even to their own members.

citronella 7 Mar 11

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I actually am aware of a couple of churches who, with a lot of hard work and education and awareness, have actually become truly inclusive. It's rare though. Not so much because of religion as because of people and tribalism generically. Once again, the doctrine of sanctification proves to be bogus. Being a Christian doesn't make you a better person.


Racism is alive and well in chistian america... who didn't know that. I believe they intentionally deceive themelves, such hypocritics. They actually believe jc instructed their leaders that he (jc) needs trump now... simple as that.
Politics, religion, increased racism, volatile, I get this sick feeling something will explode in the near future, maybe sporadically but wide spread.
With trump in charge, using any distraction to pass his tax giveaway to the 1%, now the maybe offer by North Korea to discuss arms reduction, anything to further distract from the Muller investigation...
I go off in tangents... you people make me think too much.
Racism, religion republicans... they go so well together.

Tomas Level 7 Mar 12, 2018

I know, everyone here is right. I understand all the anti-christianity comments. My naivete is that I am not entirely anti-Christianity, or anti any religion: I just want them to leave me, and other like-minded folk, ALONE. It saddens me that the people who claim to love one another because "god so loved the world..." can't see past skin color or economic standing. It seems so patently obvious to me that inclusiveness would derive directly from the gospels, but obviously my perception is WAYYYY off.


People always create their savior in their image. Then they just say that "we're doing the Lords work"....which is really their own agenda, since Jesus is an imaginary proxy.
I still can't understand why any black person would want to have anything to do with this! BAMBOOZLED!


This is not new. I remember back in the early 2000s a growing church in the Kansas City suburbs had some reporters dress up as "less affluent and less white" looking individuals and visit on Sunday. They were not received well. It was a nasty newspaper article. I doubt much has changed.


Imagine experiencing this sentiment: "...Black congregants — as recounted by people in Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Fort Worth and elsewhere — had already grown uneasy in recent years as they watched their white pastors fail to address police shootings of African-Americans. They heard prayers for Paris, for Brussels, for law enforcement;..."


Very sad. It continues to amaze me that one can believe in the preachings of Jesus and still be racist.

They don't believe in the teachings of the bible, they believe in what they think the teachings should be. I am willing to bet real money that most have never read the bible, and the preacher who wants to keep their money coming in preaches what they want to hear. And I don't think I am the least bit cynical

@HippieChick58 It's funny. I'll bet a larger percentage of atheists and agnostics have read the bible than Christians. You hit the nail on the head.


So, white evangelicals are hate-filled, racist hypocrites.

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