I like it when a woman explains scientific stuff......
In the human way of thinking, understanding is often thought of on a very superficial level, and when someone tells me they understand someone else, I laugh to myself, because I do not even understand myself, so how the fuck is someone else going to really understand me? Add to that, the use of language. You can ask ten people the meaning of a word, and get ten different answers, and in fact, none of the answers may agree with the actual official definition! Take that, and multiply it by the number of words used in whatever language you happen to be speaking in at the time, and you start to come away with just how difficult it is to communicate clearly, and, it is a fucking dream world if you believe you "understand" someone else, and taking that one step further, back to the Einstein's Relativity . . . . I would say it is laughable to claim you really understand relativity on the same level that Einstein himself pictured it, it is like religion, everyone thinks they fucking understand it, but when you dig deeper, you find that not one goddamn motherfucker will agree with another goddamn motherfucker about what it all exactly means! So no, I do not pretend to understand it, while I understand some basic premises of it, I don't need to fucking pretend to be Einstein or his equal to feed my ego, and if you really want a fucking challenge, forget Einstein and start reading some of Hermann Minkowski's (One of Einstein's Professors) or David Hilbert's work . . . . .
Einstein was wrong about time, his General Theory is wrong. Space and time are unrelated. Time has no effect on space, space has no effect on time.
Sorry, you'll have to do better.
You should get on to a scientific discussion group. that should be fun.