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Columbine High may be torn down. It inspires mass shooters.

Morbid Fascination

The head of the Colorado school district where Columbine High School is located has a drastic proposal aimed at thwarting would-be mass killers and tragedy pilgrims who have a “morbid fascination” with the massacre that happened there — tear the building down.

“The tragedy at Columbine High School in 1999 serves as a point of origin for this contagion of school shootings,” Superintendent Jason Glass wrote in a letter to parents and others in the Jefferson County School District. “School shooters refer to and study the Columbine shooting as a macabre source of inspiration and motivation.”

Glass said troubled people known as "Columbiners" are drawn to the school in the Denver suburb of Littleton.


LiterateHiker 9 June 7

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Seems a bit extreme to tear down the entire school.. why not just change the name

@desertastronomer Yeah, I guess you can't ge contractor kickbacks from a simple name change.


I applied to teach there four years ago. I interviewed well and would have been offered a job, but their pay scale was way too low for a urban/suburban school district.



bobwjr Level 10 June 7, 2019

But not surprising to me at all in the sick culture of the US.

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