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Why is it the only thing not addressed and to me being THE problem is human population growt ? Scientists toil away to find ways of supporting our heaving popoulation. people starving and every problem with nature coming back to humans growth and greed. isnt it THE elephant in the room? m maybe its just me but everywhere I go there are new builds and less land, never stopping. my town has I think more builders merchants and more houses than ever before by far. how about where you live?

At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year.

A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in 30 years (1960), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987).

During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.
In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now.

this statistic was taken off of the world population clock just now.

LeighShelton 8 Mar 12

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i'm on the same page as you & the radically awesome David Attenborough, for which reason i never wished to replicate myself, nor did i ever do so.

i reckon the reason why the exploding human population does not get critically addressed is: there's a lobby out there, hellbent on squeezing as much profit out of as many sheople as possible, so why put a stop to the ghastly growth?

so we just keep breeding like rabbits, as @Kojaksmom observes rightly, & ignore the fact that any intelligent species in the wild, if circumstances become less than favorable, would pare back procreation.

that's it completely agree with you and I think the rich governments are so out of touch with real living they think for some reason they're safe and are greedy as fuck and believe in scientists actually doing something miraculous to at least save them or more scarily and more possible know something we don't where they can survive the oncoming huge next extinction. the followers of religion are just fucking idiots and the leaders with money are just like the rich well informed. most of everyone has there own little safety bubble and probably has too many children and grandchildren etc. remember too that genetics across the board want to be the ones that survive including humans. in nature, might is right, pure and simple and life is difficult and kept under balance by its hardships. all creatures are biased in favour of there own genes including plants and probably bacteria as most things have territory and fight for privilege over weaker individuals including there own kind. this is the bases of religion too to be the biggest gang ie the strongest. instead of using our huge brains to have a fantastic life and breed less and help nature to help us and vice verse we still run with our warped sense of being mighty, even making up our own special mighty one ie GOD. humans have a bad habit of leaving things they can see that are bad and going to get worse actually waiting till they have to do something rather than acting with foresight. look at if you put cats on islands of animals that have got things right with no real predators and have no defence and no fear because they don't need it. the cats will wipe everything out until the cats themselves all starve. this is what humans are doing in a nutshell. I think all dominant species that get too powerful are doomed to failure just like the Germans in ww2. I'm glad I didn't have children too. one sister and my brother didn't either. the last of my sisters had 2 children and one of them insists she isn't having children and still hasnt. its very sad and I'm with you @walklightly. glad I didn't have children. the earth will survive. it will lose most of the obvious life forms too but then what's left will evolve again. anyway, I'm off of my soapbox now lol. ps, look at jellyfish with no brains that have thrived for a billion years basically in the same form.


Yeah I think it's about time for humans to act like thoughtful animals ,and not just animals. Perhaps the worst thing that happened to humans is losing our estrous cycle. we now breed like rabbits all the time.

yes completely out of control but if animals do it there kulled.

the response to this very post speaks volumes of human overpopulation @Kojaksmom. just me and you out of everyone on this site. even less on Facebook. it's like telling everyone you have a deadly disease. the irony being humans are the deadly disease.

@LeighShelton, sorry for the delay; i just need time to work my way through all the interesting & exciting posts 😉

it's not a problem at all. I'm glad there are a few people though very few that see life for what it is.


I rest my case lol

You are right . No discussions either Pro or con, but the overwhelming majority of the people here have kids. although they can resist the societal pressures of being religious, apparently they can't resist the Society of pressures of being fruitful and multiply as the Lord demands. I guess we have to take into consideration the human-animals desire to breed is only secondary to the desire to eat and drink. It takes a very conscious effort and a lot of medical intervention to not have kids. humans always follow the path of least resistance like water. Having kids is just plain too easy for humans.

you are so right @Kojaksmom but I'm not suggesting no children but one child for each couple on the whole plant for 2 generations and then 2 per couple not that that will happen. looks like its going to be the hard way. I'm glad I didn't have children and im 57 and that is sad but very true.

@Kojaksmom, i agree here with Leigh & would even give every couple the liberty to have 2 kids right now, considering that some people just don't have kids at all. e.g. out of 3 kids in our family only one, my sister, has a child herself. i have a few friends who, like me, don't have children either.

I think we have to be more radical because we are really in deep and have already changed the natural balance too much to keep two children at the moment. I think we would be lucky to scrape by with one per couple myself but I might be wrong. look at the one child idea. instantly less stress on nature, two adults input on one child, smaller classrooms so learn more and many more opportunities in life.

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