I was unaware of what an incredible waste of time online IQ tests are-- until I did some research. You'd do better picking random numbers out of a hat. Rather than just make this observation, I decided to make up my own online IQ test. The results you get will be every bit as valid as every other online IQ test out there. You'll be bombarded with fake ads, and even a Britney Spears link. But the good part is I think it's all pretty funny, and while you will be wasting your time on it, it will be far lesss time than you'd waste on the real fake online IQ tests. Enjoy!
So, we can turn penises into butternut squash? I am all for that.
Britny made it all worthwhile. Oh, and it's good to know I'm a moron. It's awful going through life without knowing.
i don't need a test, but i am enjoying a beer! Engage!
Hey, I got a 76 & politician wasn't listed as a job opportunity! What gives?
Plus I didn't get any beer!