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LINK Trump says supporters could 'demand' he not leave after two terms

Newsflash, Donny, you don't always get what you want. For instance, I'VE been waiting (and waiting and waiting) for a new book in the GOT series -and not a damn PREQUEL, either, G. R. R.!, but have I gotten one yet?

BookDeath 8 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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He is exciting his feeble minded followers to action.
It's criminal.

Unity Level 8 June 17, 2019

Like Trump will even get a second term... His poll numbers re dropping.


Trump says lots of stupid shit. That he thinks he's right is the scary part. That others think he's right is the terrifying part.

1of5 Level 8 June 17, 2019

Deluded Donnie is beating the drums ahead of time in hopes he can be our new dick tator. He is a dick and I think his head is like a tator.

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