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Time to hit the sexy side of this site: Oral sex, to give, to receive?

My option is To Female: Give. Reasons: women can come more often than men, so let's see how much more...haha

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JohnnyThorazine 7 Mar 13

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I would always rather give than receive. If anything, get much more turned on by pleasuring a man or woman orally than receiving. Being able to stimulate each other at the same time is good but still much rather enjoy getting someone off than get off myself.


Untrue--women cannot cum more often than men. I challenge any woman!

We can also outlast them with a man. Ha!


No option for 'both'? - That's crazy

it's based on the idea that nothing is 50/50....there is always a preference. I think if I had put 'both', there would be no need for the other options...hehe


Depends on the mood--sometimes gove, sometimes recieve, sometimes both---sometimes neither

what you said, Karen.




I like to give, but not receive.


First, I hope I understood the answers correctly and second, where is the option for both?

I thought about that, but I don't really believe in 50/50, it could represent just what you feel like at this moment...haha

Maybe not exactly 50/50 but don't most people do both during sex? And is your question which do I prefer or which gets the best results? Lol

@BeeHappy sounds situational...hehe....which is such a good point...ha!

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