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What's your thoughts on death with dignity?

atheist 8 Sep 28

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My thought and one I share a lot sometimes with the wrong person is, if a person young or old, suffer pain in mind and or body, if that person can't take care of themselves and nobody else will take care of them, if a person (me) needed life saving treatment to stay alive but not the life they want to live because it may not cure them anyway and they will continue to suffer, I feel that a person should have the right to make a personal decision if they do or do not want to continue on. My family knows I am dnr and have discussed my personal decision about my refusal for life saving treatment in the future


Watching someone die of end stage Cancer will turn you pro-euthanasia. I was pro even before those experiences.


Legalize it. Legalize it and make it so life insurance companies cannot penalize you/your family for choosing that option. Just like abortion or drugs or sex or anything else in life, if it does not directly affect you and your rights let someone chose their own path.


Euthanasia should be legal based on a solid set of guidelines. There are many instances where there should be dignity in dying. Humans are relatively free to chose how they live their lives, so they should be allowed to chose their death accordingly. I wonder if the global increasing population and considerable improvements in healthcare, will also cause a shift in opinions on this subject in the future.


I'm assuming you might mean how the body is handled postmortem? I don't care what becomes of my corpse as that's no longer me. It's a me shaped meat balloon. I've suggested whatever the cheapest alternative is at the time. Beyond that, assuming that I'm in some persistent vegetative state or severe brain damage, just pull the plug. That's not me either. My person as ceased to persist.


People should be able to die when they want too

Tirol Level 2 Oct 8, 2017

I was having a discussion with a old school, young-Earth, christian and he was talking to me about his wife's grandfather who was suffering and was choosing to have device that kept his heart pumping normally, disconnected. He was for it because he didn't want to see someone he cared about suffer. But then he said that it was a close one because it was very close to euthanasia. If it had crossed that line he wouldn't have accepted it, would have condemned it, and not be there with a loved one at the end of their life. I just can't see wanting someone to suffer if they are no longer living a real life for the pain or disability that prevents them from functioning.


This simple question can constitute a novel of discussion. However, given the setting, lack of warm comfortable seating and beverage. My thought wound be absolutely. Live with it, die with it.

Eh gads,,, you quoted Trump. Actually I'll go further to say no guidelines. Why, if a person is so down trodden and feels so hopeless, who are we to judge and say no, you have to stay alive. Why should they be ill, and by what tribunal do we say it's ok? I think a waiting period would be fair, consul would be fair. Teach alternatives especially to young people. This is a very permanent solution to what may well be a temporary problem.... and face it, everything is temporary.


I am 100% in favor of assisted suicide when there is pain and death is imminent. I don't live in a state with legally physician-assisted suicide but I wish I did. I do have a living will, though, and clearly state that I don't wish to be kept alive indefinitely if there is no hope for me. Some family members are believers but not super-religious so that's not an issue.

It's an intensely personal decision. To me, quality of life is more important than just 'life'. If there was no expectation of improvement of a physically or mentally disabling illness, I don't think I would want to go on.


It is an unfortunate reality that those who purport to be "pro-life" are not really, but only pro-birth and anti-"natural" death.

My own mother wasted away in a Catholic convalescent home before she finally died, and those people (who ran and administrated the place) knew nothing of actual dignity. There comes a point at which a person is no longer a person, but is a living piece of meat (think Terry Schiavo), with no awareness or lucidity. Surely their god would rather their "soul" be freed of its misery and allowed into heaven!


I don't think it's truly possible.


Legalize it. When I'm ready to die I'll die. I only worry about having a stroke and not being able to do it myself.


If you chose euthanasia, for yourself, for your own reasons, it "ain' NO bodys Bidness" but your OWN.

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