24 29

So..Stephen Hawking died. It's pretty sad across the board. Smarter than I'll ever be.

Of course, like an idiot I read the comments. Half of the comments are people admiring his work, regretting his loss, generally being somber but also celebrating a life of interesting work.

Then there's the christian commenters, who are more than happy not to accept grief or sadness or offer support, but to take the opportunity to remind everyone that "he rejected god so hes suffering in hell."

Thanks for that, believers. You could talk about his life, his family, his work, contributions to the scientific community or a dozen other things, but nope. They'd rather just use it as an opportunity to say "hahaha we're right and hes burning in hell"

So graceful. So kind, so very jesus like...ugh.

(Really wasn't sure what category to post this under. It's news, its science, and its religion..)

Ersomething 6 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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