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Do you road trip?

We returned this morning around 1am from our 2-week jaunt -- Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, Tetons, Vedauwoo, El Dorado Canyon and Summit County, CO. 5k miles rt.
People have said, "your son will have these memories forever." But to me, it is about being present in the moment, wherever one is.
That and gaining the experience to be confident to road trip oneself, when of age.
How do you like to travel?

CallMeDave 8 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I love road trips. Want to buy/rent an RV next summer and take grandkids on a great road trip for a month or two.

It'll take patience on the steeper roads. We passed many rv's poking along. But what's the hurry, right?


Starting a solo road trip this weekend to Mesa Verde. Gone for about a week with only 2 of the days planned. Like the companionship of an accompanied trip, but also the freewheeling whimsy of going solo.


Awesome! I bicycle almost everyday. I have also visited 10 of the National Park areas!


Cool have fun

bobwjr Level 10 July 1, 2019

Took many road trips with my kids. So much they loved being in the car. I have also loved solo road trips. I feel I return invincible. Just taking in people and places with out life destactionsfor a week or two is the best.

It’s one thing I miss about my first marriage, road trips across the country with the kids.


Just returned from my own 5-day road trip. In Michigan we go “up north” to our upper peninsula and it was beautiful and lots of fun with my mom.

I ha e always wanted to go there. My grandfather was raised in Calumet, Mi.

Relatives in Milwaukee escape to the same region, I think.

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