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LINK Trump on blight of homelessness in U.S. cities: 'It's disgraceful'

Trump expresses his priorities here when it comes to homelessness.

AlasBabylon 8 July 2

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He cares a lot more about the homeless than illegal aliens - unlike any of the Democratic candidates.

gater Level 7 July 2, 2019

So why doesn't he do something like building affordable housing, oh did I just say that, how silly of me, this is Donald we are talking about, what was I thinking.


45 for 2020


Ethically speaking, the main consideration obviously should be the suffering of the homeless. He sounds more concerned with the unsightliness and unpleasantness of seeing it.


The disgrace is him

bobwjr Level 10 July 2, 2019

If he thinks it all started 2 years ago, doesn't that mean that somehow his presidency is failing if this is happening to our citizens?

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