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LINK Trump’s celebration of himself is the perfect reminder of why he must leave - The Washington Post

Apparently there's a good chance of thunderstorms. Now that would be poetic justice.

Paul4747 8 July 3

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Travis Allen:

The Trump family has no history of military service in over 5 generations, 150 years and two World Wars.

Let that sink in.


Pretending to know what the fuck you're doing as CinC does not count. Somebody needs to beat that into someone's orange head. (No names mentioned.)


Qasim Rashid, Esq.

What $92M on a Military Parade CAN buy:
•920M meals for the hungry
•1 year tuition for 9200 students
•1 year rent for 6400 homeless
•Opioid rehab for 6300 ppl
•Adoption of 2600 orphans
•Suicide prevention for 22 Vets/day

What a $22M Military parade CANNOT buy:


Seth Masket
Very important perspective on Trump’s tank display, from a friend of a friend in the military:

Not mentioned is the detail(noun) required to make this happen. Those servicemembers will be working on high alert rather than spending that time with their families. A LOT more goes into military movements than what the public gets to see. This is a shit show.

Bigly strong dictator can't even play with his army men
How is he more pathetic every day?

How much time, how much talent, how much opportunity, have been wasted because our country is dealing with this lunatic, when we could have had a sane leader?


Hope it rains and attendance is WORSE than the empty bleachers on one of the worst days in American History = the FAKE Inauguration Day for the fake president.


Never noticed before but he seems to be modelling himself on Julius Caesar from around 45 BCE with the four ridiculous triumvirate parades and the recent suggestion that he won’t leave office!

Where is our Brutus?



I didn't know he was at the Post ... I do agree he has to go ...

..... Right

Not sure you're up to speed, but you get the general idea


The green sign on the photograph os exactly right. Statistics show that only 58%of eligible voters actually voted in the 2016 Presidential election.

Trump got 24% of that vote. Which means he was elected by less than 14%(13.92%) of the voting age public.

Post election statistics show that of the 42% of the nation that did not vote, the majority favored voting Democrat over Rupublican. Both candidates unfavorables were above 50%. Both had favorable rankings below 45%.


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