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Census Question - Church and State

Should the question "Do you believe in separation of church and state?" be placed on the 2020 census?

  • 5 votes
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  • 3 votes
Grecio 7 July 14

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I thought the census was for the collection of objective data, not an opinion survey...

Zster Level 8 July 15, 2019

Should we also ask people on the census if they believe in the right to free speech? The results wouldn't matter because the law of the land takes precedence. If they don't like the law they can change it but the country is based on the separation of church and state

lerlo Level 8 July 15, 2019

I suppose, at some point, the constitution can be changed to delete separation of church and state.

@Grecio yes the first amendment could be changed, I wouldn't hold your breath however.


We all have a right to free speech. However, I think it is against the law to speak of overthrowing the government by force. I realize this isn't what the poll asked, but it is similar. Do we have the right to speak against the constitution? I am sure there are people in this country, like some Muslims, believe that law comes from God and therefore (pardon the expression) trumps civil law.

Grecio Level 7 July 14, 2019
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