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Remembering When I Was A Christian

I was having A converesation with one of my new patients who happens to be a 38 year old Female recently diagnosed with Stage 1 Cancer of the Oropharnyx.

Patients like to ask me personal things often times to get a sense of a new Physician. During our conversation she ask me if I was married. My response was "oh no".
So I in turn, ask her if she was married and her response was "yes!", " I am married to the best man that ever existed! JESUS!"

I started laughing uncontrollably for close to a minute as she laugh with me. I wasn't trying to be rude or mock her but it took me back to my days long after I left the catholic church and tried Baptist. I would hear this same statement from other single Baptist women.

Silly story but I had to share this.....

twshield 8 Mar 15

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So how did they "consummate " their marriage with Jesus? lol


Possibly funny or tragic.

Was she serious or trying to be funny? Sadly, it is possible she was serious, believing when she dies Jesus will be her salvation and she will live happily forever with Jesus in the paradise of heaven because Jesus loves her. I've met women who adamantly assert this relationship with Jesus and claim to eagerly await their natural death so their romantic love with their vision of their imaginary god/sky daddy can come to fruition.


I hear this a lot too. It's weird and awkward. lol!


Fascinating ... and here I thought that a 'marriage' to Jesus Christ (wedding gowns, vows and all) as a consecrated virgin (for life) was reserved for Catholic nuns!


I never really was a christian.


I still hear that from people that I know.

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