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Cremation or 6 feet under?


magnettarpittrap 4 Mar 15

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I couldn't care less. My will says to burn me up. But if my family decides to make a statue of me and stand me in a corner (for a coat rack or whatever), I don't care at all. Burial is solely for the living, not the dead. They're dead.

xyz123 Level 7 June 22, 2018

Team cremation over here. I want it to be as cheap for my family as possible. I'll be dead, so I won't need an urn or anything. I'll tell them to dump my ashes in some remote location.


I was thinking about first donating my body to science, or having myself composted. I dont' see a need for an actual grave marker. Of course if donating my body to science they tend to cremate remains once they are done.

In the end I will be dead, so ti makes no real difference.


Neither. I made it clear to my loved ones once I leave this earth to cut my remains up and use the for spare parts. (Organ donation)


Donate my organs to scientific research then cremation, whoever wants my ashes can share.


Burial makes no sense to me at all, cremation, all the way.


Cremation for me and throw the ashes in this bay in Washington state..


I don't like the thought of being in a box under the ground. I want to be cremated, and my ashes spread somewhere warm and sunny.


Donated to science then when there done onto the compost heap thats how I want to go


Cook me and feed me to the fishes in lake Michigan.


It doesn't matter. I'll be dead, after all. Let the relatives figure it out. The same with life insurance: I am willing to fulfill my responsibilities when I'm alive. Afterwards? I don't care. Let someone else worry about it.


I'd always been for cremation, but recently learned that there are a few natural burial options available now (no toxic embalming, a simple burlap sack or unfinished pine coffin, unmanicured, natural burial areas). This seems like it might even be better than cremation in that it potentially uses less energy (though I'd want to do more research before committing).


I am thinking cremation. Why preserve my body in a box, underground at a much greater expense? Besides, it'll my last chance to have a smokin' hot body!


Cremation. Id actually prefer to decay natually outside a coffin. become some type of soil.

me too and be part of the chain of life.


3.5-4 feet under, if I can manage it. Green Burial for me. No chemicals, no polluting the air with my burnt remains, no casket, no cement vault separating my atoms from the earth from whence they most recently came.


I am leaving this world in the same manner as Archibald Leach. Many theists tell me they could not do that. It would remind them so much of hell, they say. Are they for real or have they read too much Edgar Allen Poe?




6 foot under. I like cemeteries and visiting my deceased loves ones. I like to think their spirits are out there in the next place, whatever/wherever that might be. I don’t think it’s heaven or hell though.


Eaten by wolves and other forest creatures


Eaten by wolves and other forest creatures


I'm going to be cremated, just as my husband was. It's less invasive of the land. I don't beleive in an after life so not concerned about being bought back. Plus, I like to tell believers that I'm getting cremated because I may have to get used to the heat!




Cremation for me. I'll finally have the smokeing hot body I've wanted!

BillF Level 7 Mar 15, 2018

I want cremation. That way, the atoms that make up my being will fly off to the stars right away. We come from stars, we go back to the stars.

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

That’s interesting..

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