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LINK 157 Republicans Just Opposed Renewing The Violence Against Women Act

Evidently they think beating women helps "Make America Great Again".

snytiger6 9 July 25

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The one and only Democrat who voted against it did so because the gun restrictions proposed were "too partisan"... the Republicans voted against it because it would include protections for Native American and transgender women. Republicans do not want to even acknowledge that Native women need protection or that transgender women exist, let alone need protection.


Total Fucking Assholes

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2019

Fuck them - Fuck them sideways.

I honestly believed we were past this shit.

They want people who have been CONVICTED of domestic violence to still be able to buy guns? Are they nuts? Or just that bought and paid for.

I'm never going to forget the Worker at a Battered Women's Shelter in Lowell MA who lost her life because a husband found out where the location of the shelter was - and showed up with his shotgun.

She was killed in front of the Shelter. Thankfully the wife was safe.

I worked there the Fall after that happened. I'll never forget it.

Things like that happen - all the time. No woman (or man) should have to fear that. No one should have to fear that.


Nothing, but nothing surprises me when it comes to the Republicans.


Because, of course they did. It's the "Y'alliban".


Remember in November!

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