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Thoughts on chimps and bonobos

Chimps are run by a dominant male. He is the only male to get sex. The food is not always give out fairly. Plus chimps are violent. Bonobos on the other hand that look like small chimps, are run the older ladies of the group. Everyone gets sex old and young. Everyone gets food. They do not hurt each other like chimps. They are very passive.
I just wondered what people thougths are on this.

arronpaul46 6 Mar 17

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It's dominant, not dominate. And it's not true that only the dominant male gets sex. I can speak to this becasue as an undergrad I got to work with chimps at the University of Oklahoma and the Institute for Primate Studies, the longtime home of Washoe, the sign language chimp. Most chimps are not violent but blustery and engage in "theatrical" displays to show how tough they are, actually do share food (although a lot of begging is involved), punish chimps they see as greedy, and display altruistic behavior, such as a case where chimps, who can't swin, went into the water to rescue another chimp. I also got to work with bonobos. They are definitely much calmer and sexual (and use the missionary position and the females engage in lesbianism.) As to dominance, I'd point out the case where a troop of chimps killed a dominant male who'd been driven out as a tyrant. Some of the females actually ate parts of him. We humans (the third chimpanzee, as Jared Diamond calls us) share traits with both groups.


I'm partial to bonobos but, that said, one winter I visited the Detroit Zoo. My toddler son and I sat in front of the chimp observation glass and on the other side a chimp sat down with as much curiosity and expression as we felt. The takeaway for me was that there must be sensible, highly intelligent members of most if not every species. Just because the bonobos evolved in this way (the thinking is because they live mainly in trees protected from predators on the ground) doesn't mean the rest of us are doomed, does it?


Thusly we homo sapiens are more like chimpanzes than bonobos. Bonobos use sexual proclivity as an outlet for stress & to facilitate cohesion in a group. Some humans do this but are the exception. Most human males compete for alpha status either vicariously thru sports teams or thru direct action resulting in saloon brawls. The females of our species are retiscent to engage any or all males in a sexual manner, as a 9 month gestation & a 7 year involvement in child rearing requires a village or a committed mate. Then too there is the disease factor. So some women may seek promiscuity but are in the minority also. Warfare is merely seeking resources, reproductive control & religious enforcement all of which are closely pursued by us & the chimpanzee. The bonobos have resolved this with what seems to be social or communal sharing. Hence social...ism or communal....ism. I personnally can not do either. I choose isolation from both systems.


Took a primatology class in college. This is why you don't see bonobos in zoos. LOL



Republicans are chimps. Democrats are bonobos.

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