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Employment Rights

I recently filled out forms from my current
employer-and prospective employers.
They blatently try to pry into facts to
be used against me(anybody). First asking
past pay-i DID NOT ANSWER. And this info
should not be asked, is used to maintain
wage disparity!!!
My employer is asking info about
my race-fishing for a tax credit. Im in PA.
And the states have a hodge podge
of mis matched laws.
Like"must submit written resignation
to get your vacation(2weeks)"? They
do what they can get away with.
Wonder just this state or what????

BBJong 7 Aug 4

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Time to join a union or start one yourself.

..on my to do list.


I work in NC, a rite to work state. It has horrible labor laws. I also worked in NH and Mass, these where much better states to work in.

...that is my case ,thanks to REPUBLICAN
give-A-way legislators 10 years ago...
Thank you,
After record job creation i wonder if they will
now remove child labor laws,over time,family
leave,ect.-and create more jobs

@BBJong I don't think it creates any more jobs. More likely that it creates more casual or part time jobs. Casual and part time jobs are only good for the employer as they minimise wages and other entitlements.

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