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Republicans are confirming judges who want to render us powerless to stop mass shootings.

Vote Republicans out of office!


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 6

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Yes should be totally independent at arms length


The whole idea of the President appointing judges is a ludicrous system which is at the root of this problem. @Petter has said it all in the post below.


The real weakness is that the American judicial system is subject to political manipulation. A truly independent judiciary would appoint its own judges, based on merit and respect for the letter of the law.


Those cocksucker motherfucker Assholes must be removed immediately from office

Imagine if they were victims of a mass shooting? Would they change their minds?

@Sofabeast A mass shooting in the Senate would most decidely sharpen the minds of the survivors, NRA money or not!

@Petter Not of course am I suggesting that anyone goes out and does it, nor would I condone such an act if it happened!

@Sofabeast However ....... 🤔

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