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LINK Mass shootings force foreign countries to issue US travel warnings

On average more than one mass shooting per day... so fr this year.

snytiger6 9 Aug 6

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Good. People are discouraged from many places in the world for this very reason.

I am glad USA are in the possibly too dangerous category. It’s been a long time coming.


If I didnt live here I would not travel here.

I would go to another country if I could.

@PondartIncbendog I agree. My father is thinking about it.


Australia is pretty good at the moment. Not too much religion to be bothered about, an eclectic society and we are pretty much left alone by the insane world leaders. (Although our PM is a bit of a wannabe!)

Some pretty fearsome reptiles up north but at least not a large proportion of the population as in certain countries in the Americas.

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