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LINK How Hitler went from fringe politician to dictator — and why it's a mistake to think it couldn't happen in the US

Sinclair Lewis wrote a novel challenging the idea that "It Can't Happen here." There was actually a fairly strong Fascist movement, and many admired Hitler, in the U.S. before and right up until the attack on Pearl; Harbor. That embarrassment to the U.S., was not included in the history books.

snytiger6 9 Aug 9

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one saving grace. hitler was more intelligent, charismatic & a more powerful orator than rump.


It could happen here. Fuhrer Trump must go bye bye!


Isn't the cover, using mostly red barbed wire prophetic?


Anything can happen. I would've thought it was impossible for a sociopathic game show host to be elected president but here we are.

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