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How do you answer, "I want to know more about you"?

This message from men floors me. "What does he want to know?" I wonder. My personal history? The onus is on me to entertain him.

Yesterday I got that message from a man in Germany. "I suggest you focus on women in Germany," I replied.

Reminds me of my mother. "How are you really?" Mom repeatedly asked. Because I was born prematurely, Mom saw me as delicate, even as an adult.

"What do you want, my bowel movements?" I replied, amused, to sidestep the question.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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We are born alone(unless twins or triplets) and will die alone,mostly. Finding a mate begins in Jr.High Schools when hormones begin affecting our bodies(or earlier,due to food additives and the UV from Fluorescent light fixtures). Girls are maturing at earlier ages each generation,it seems.

Loneliness can be tolerated,hobbies and volunteering will occupy the time,maybe some of us do not want a family?


When a woman from far away replies i simply wish her well. What the hell was she thinking I muse? When I get like from female far away and simply just wander what was going through their heads. I often think they just want ANY attention, not my type.

As far as bowel movements I only discussed that with my X-wife in the case of medical concerns. Not a very hot topic, GOOD MOVE!
See what I did there!

Both! All or nothing, goddammit! "Yea, tho we walking through the Shadow of the Valley of Death we will fear NO evil, for you and I are the BADDEST muthafuckers in the Valley... right, @DeniseNycee?


"I want to know more about you."
Why? So you can steal my identity?

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 21, 2019

With some general stuff nothing specific until I know you better

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 21, 2019
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