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What's your favorite vintage arcade game?

So I have my RetroPie system set up with thousands and thousands of vintage games (really, I have over 10,000 games for the MAME system alone). Reliving my days as an arcade delinquent. Remind me what I should play.

towkneed 7 Aug 21

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Mine was Donkey Kong. I also liked watching the movie on it that showed the competition for achieving the highest score, it is called The King of Kong.


Ghosts & Goblins. Saw that somebody had made it for a pi, but never chased it dow. Good luck! Sounds like a fun project!


I built a MAME arcade 20 years ago, see some photos in this post [] . I don't have it anymore, gave to my daughter.
Hard to choose a favorite since I played many during the golden age of arcade games. Missile Command was up near the top. A couple of us would sit and play for hours on one quarter if you hit the magic 810,000 point bug where you got the extra bonus cities. Had lots of fun.



I'm a strong believer that all people should have a hyperspace button. You might not like where you end up but at least you're not where you were

@lerlo infinite improbability drive, oh no not again!


Galaga.... After all the quarters I poured in... I can still hear the tune!

Did you ever do the "no fire" thing?

I have now (on MAME) but never knew about it until about 2 years ago.

@towkneed Nope... Never tried it. Though I am not sure what it got you.

@RiverRick 12 again

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