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LINK The Meaning of Life in a World without Work

This has a religious twist that I thought might be interesting to the membership.

redbai 8 Aug 28

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If work becomes obsolete then will capitalism also? This sounds like a good argument for socialism to me.

Off the top of my head I'd say no. For capitalism there simply needs to be a means of production. Automation is no different WRT production than slaves (i.e unpaid labor) and slavery propelled America, using capitalism, into one of the most prosperous nations on the planet.

@redbai We have examples of complete socialism and it doesn't work.

@Sticks48 Work for who?

@redbai For anyone except the people in charge. Show me a place where it has worked. I'm not talking social/democracies, they are all over Europe. I'm talking full blown socialism.

@Sticks48 Where has there been "full blown socialism"? It has not existed anymore than "full blown" capitalism has been demonstrated to work anywhere.

@redbai Russia, China, North Korea, North Vietnam. Where have you been? Unbridled Capitalism does not work. Regulated Capitalism does work. All of those Socialist/Democracies in Europe are Capitalists also. Tell me your plan for your perfect government.

@Sticks48 Those are not "full blown socialism" any more than the US is a "full blown capitalism". Production being owned by the state (i.e. your examples) is not the same as production owned by the population at large.

@redbai That only works with capitalism. That is not an explanation of your perfect government. Details man, details.You have told me nothing.

@Sticks48 Since I never said anything about a "perfect government", it appears that you're making assumptions based on personal biases.

Details about what? Those countries are not "full blown socialism" just becasue you say so. Prove that they are. Where's the evidence that they were purely a socialist country instead of simply a dictatorship? The idea that something only works for capitalism is just a pretty obvious way of avoiding the subject. What ONLY works for capitalism?

@redbai Details about your perfect government. So far you have said absolutely nothing. There are different forms of capitalism and different forms of socialism. Without details you are talking unicorns and rainbows. Who is in charge? How do they get their job of being in charge? Do the folks in management, dealing with the stress and strain of management get exactly the same benefits as the person sweeping up the offices. DETAILS!

@Sticks48 Where did you get the idea that I have a "perfect government"? The idea itself is ridiculous. But I guess you have to make things up for me to define because you can't actually address the subject at hand.

@redbai I have made nothing up. I am asking questions and you haven't answered one of them. I can only suppose you have no answers or English is not your first language.

@Sticks48 You made up the concept that I have a "perfect government", words that never came from me, and then asked me to give details on the concept you made up. You're not really that bright are you?

All you have to do to disprove what I say is to demonstrate that I said anything about a "perfect government" prior to you making up the comment.

@redbai I said what would you think would be the perfect government. Everyone would probably have a different answer. I realize it is very, very complicated and if you don't have an answer, that is ok. I just want to know how you would describe the government you think would suit you. I am a social/democracy guy with a well regulated form of capitalism. Those types of governments are all over Europe and have been for awhile. We can study those and pick those things which would work best for our country. Until the world quits running on money, we will always have some form of capitalism.

@Sticks48 There is no such thing as a "perfect government".

@redbai DUH!!! No Shit, but they are necessary. I'm wanting you to explain the government you prefer, and you just can't seem to answer that question. A 'socialist' government covers a lot of different types of government.

@Sticks48 Why should I do that and what makes you think that it has anything to do with socialism? Actually, I don't care. I don't like condescension, especially when it's based on assumptions, and see no reason to define things about myself to you. It's a total non sequitur into a conversation I see no reason to have.

@redbai Im am not being condescending in the least. I am asking you straight forward questions. I seriously want to know what kind of government you would desire. I am interested in your ideas. If you don't want to share them that is your choice, but you shouldn't bring shit up if you are unwilling to explain. What is the point.


Fourty two "whatever you find there" ⭐


Consequently, by 2050 a new class of people might emerge – the useless class. People who are not just unemployed, but unemployable.

They already exist - The author needs to spend some time around folks who inherated thier wealth.

1of5 Level 8 Aug 28, 2019

That term "useless class" was kind of offensive while I was reading the article, but you've put it in a totally new light.

@redbai it is offensive, tying someone's worth to thier ability to make money. Really offensive.

Sadly, there's also people who society thinks are "not worth the investment" like the homeless person who sleep in my laundry room

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