Does it matter to you that Toys R Us is closing all of their US stores? Why, or why not?
As a kid I loved visiting the toy stores and playing with the toys. As a parent of three kids, going to Toy's R Us year after year for birthdays, Christmas, my kids friends birthdays, Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon tournaments, and so on is something I will miss.
I don’t care, I think I went to the place once. I heard that KB Toys is returning and buying out the stock from toys r us, so there may not be any big clearance sales, either.
That would be interesting if KB made a comeback
@WickedNicki I think I went there once, too lol
Not as much as it would have in the 90's when my kids were young.
It was a bit of a drive to get to the nearest one but we didn't need to do it very often.
I have a grandson now, but Amazon has got me covered. I order it and get it shipped directly to my daughter.
I'm not happy about how many brick and mortar businesses are going under (not only Toys-R-Us) leaving giant empty buildings everywhere.
To be honest, not really (the UK stores are going, too). The vast majority of staff are likely to have considered it a temporary job until they finish college/find something better anyway and the managers will be ok because they'll just move on to other management jobs. CEO David Brandon is "an avid participant in Republican politics, [and] has donated to several Republican campaigns and conservative causes" and no doubt has a few dollars squirrelled away to tide him over, so I couldn't give less of a shit about him.
Retail is changing; the internet has killed Toys 'R' Us just like Toys 'R' Us killed so many independent toyshops (some of which had been passed down from generation to generation). And anyway, Toys 'R' Us is a stupid name, their stores are ugly and their ads on TV are annoying, so I won't miss them.
I don't care much either. I'm never really sad to see large, monopolizing companies shut down. And I agree, it is a stupid name.