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How much longer do you think the human race as a whole will exist?

NicThePoet 7 Nov 16

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Until about 2:30 p.m. next Tuesday (Eastern Time). Give or take.


At the rate things are going right now, if shit doesn't turn around here on warp speed, we may not be around much longer... this admin, corrupt politics, power, greed, the list goes on, is working its way towards a bitter end. Global warming is reality and if the people in power don't have a change of heart on this subject, we may be doomed.


If the orange one pisses off the North Korean chubster enough, may not be long at all ...

In the event we bypass that, I think the earth will correct the imbalance and get even with us for all the damage we've done . Global warming, and all it's extremes will wipe us out .

Enjoy !


I don't know, but at least another week, I hope, because I have plans for Thanksgiving.


Most likely millions of years. We were down to a couple thousand 80,000 years ago. If we have a nuclear apocalypse that kills 99.9999% of all humans, that will still leave about 7200, and we'll come storming back to dominate the planet within 100 years.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 16, 2017

The other day 15,384 scientists issued a dire warning on the state of our planet. It put the blame on us and our activity (but tried to skirt the issue of the 7+ and counting humans). I would ask do most of us really understand anthropogenic? I feel sorry for future generations especially children being born today. Try and tell that to wannabe parents and grandparents!


It could be a matter of years. Or humanity on Earth could continue for centuries. With rapid technological developments, we might be able to save ourselves from the inevitable natural disasters that will befall this little world of ours. In any case, we will need to look beyond Earth eventually. Not in our lifetime. But perhaps in the next, our puny little race might just expand beyond these 196 countries.

A formula developed for determining our effect on the planets ecosystem is I=PAT (Impact equals Population times Activity times Technology). Technology is a wild card but it basically allows more of us to use more of the planets resources. A TED talk I watched on math showed the J (exponential growth curve) and the speaker talked about the upper limit of the curve. He said we could circumnavigate this limit by breaking off from the curve at some point and establishing a new curve also with a higher limit albeit higher than the original. This break point was technology. The problem being when that limit was reached a new technological break off point would have to be set. The most serious problem is that these break off points would have to come faster and faster (often the break off point was brought about through a war). Technology is not a panacea but a cause of our problems. Also, how can we rebuild another planet (like Mars) when we can't even maintain our own? The answer might be to finally realize how puny our species really is and try to limit our numbers.


Couple hundred years, tops. Unless we get a sustainable group of humans off this rock before we kill it and ourselves.


I heard Stephen Hawking say the other day that he gives the world about another 600 years before it comes to a firey end.I hope he's wrong.


Approximately, eleven.


I'm not sure we'll go extinct before the planet does but we are about to be drastically reduced in numbers. By 2060 there may only be a few million of us left in pockets around the globe, mostly high ground. Climate Change and wars/homicides over food and water will eliminate most of us. I'm afraid the future doesn't look very bright. This song was written about nuclear fallout but I think it applies to what's coming very well. The last verse is prophetic.


I'd be shocked if we make it another 100 years

NoH8 Level 2 Nov 16, 2017

Once we get our collective heads out of our ass, the human race will split into two races. One advanced biological race, the other morphed with technology. The later will colonize deep space and the other will colonize our own galaxy. No, I'm not high, I don't do drugs.


I think we are at our end right now and probably way past doing anything about it.


It will, until it doesn't

Ruadh Level 3 Nov 17, 2017

Until we destroy ourselves is the most likely answer. If that is how, there are hust to many variable to make any kind of accurate prediction... however, the election of Trump, I think makes it more likely for the end to come sooner rather than later.

There is a very slim chance that will will survive as a race for billions of years, if we dont' destroy our one and only planet first.


100 year Max


I think humans, as a rule, are remarkably resilient. I imagine too that there will continue to be evolutionary and technological changes that allow us to overcome the obstacles we erect in front of ourselves. That said, survival will be fraught with difficulties ranging from revolutions to climate change affects and our future as a race may depend on our ability to seek refuge beyond this planet.


Probably longer than me. Hopefully longer than my daughter.


I guess that depends what path humanity chooses. We can choose to be more responsible towards each other and towards the environment, or we can do the opposite. If we do the former, we could potentially live on the Earth until it can no longer sustain life (unless we develop the ability to colonize other planets!). However, if we choose the latter...I don't know...maybe a few thousand years, if I'm being generous? It cerrainly won't happen overnight, but on a geological scale, I'm sure it would happen quickly.

We have a choice, control our numbers ourselves or nature will do it for us. 'Mother' Nature is one women who doesn't give a fig for her offspring. T. Malthus (he was the model for Charles Dickens Scrooge) said "The increase in population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence, that population does invariably increase when the when the means of subsistence increases, and that the superior power of population is repressed by the MORAL RESTRAINT, VICE and MISERY"! The operative words are moral restraint.


With ignorance an religion as pilots were already on a nose dive to Oblivion.


heyy mate

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