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Data Breach On Facebook

I think Iam going to delete my account

twshield 8 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Social media has nothing to do with privacy.

Jagga Level 4 Mar 21, 2018

One can be distracted and lose sight of the pea in this shell game! That Facebook did absolutely nothing after learning in about Aleksandr Kogan's distribution of the 50 million profiles he collected from his personality quiz, 'This is Your Digital Life,' is quite loathsome, but what of the wealthy Trump contributors Robert and Rebekah Mercer's pet, Cambridge Analytica, a board member of which is also nonother than Steve Bannon? One is left wondering if the June 2016 Brexit vote was a practice run for the November presidential election.


I think we're all an open book for anyone who is seriously looking to find any information about us. I heard a long time ago, that the FBI actually hired Google to do most of their research since they were so good at it. Absolutely no one is safe. It's similar to if a burgler wants to get into your house badly enough, no amount of security will stop him from doing so.


I heard about this on NPR. FB stock is down 9% over the last week. Evidently they will be sacrificing (scapre goating) their guy in charge of security, even though he warned them about possible problems

@twshield From I heard on NPR, FB simply did not protect user information, but on discovering how the information was compromised and used they did not do anything about it either.


They can have it, My FaceBook data. Not a lick of truth in it! 😉


It's true that Facebook apps can access a lot of information from a given profile. But users need to allow us that access - by physically clicking on checkboxes that allow us access. There's a checkbox for each data-type.

Do not allow Facebook apps more than what you're willing to give it.

I don't know of any method that allows apps to actually break through Facebook's securities - without the user's knowledge and allowances. But there could be some.

That video, though, doesn't suggest any actual data breach. It sounds more likely that Cambridge Analytica didn't properly disclose to users what they were accessing.


I wouldn't have filled out a survey for money - not going to worry about it.


Just FYI, when people register using Facebook on, we don't even look at your social network.

Admin Level 9 Mar 19, 2018

@twshield Set the security higher deleting is not going to solve the problem they already have info so if you delete they just remake it with even more trickery. Set the security higher after that let it dormant .

@twshield Keep your F/B lots of sites have easy log in connected to F/B accounts makes login much simpler.

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