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When did you become Atheist/Agnostic

At what age did you reject the religious teachings of your parents?

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LauraUU 6 Mar 19

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As a child and into my early teens, i tried to believe, but by age 14 I had goen atheist. However, I didnt' come out as atheist until I was 23.

At age 23, i decided to come otu as gay, and in order to remove my parents arguements, I also came out as atheist at the saem time. So, I kind of hit them with a double whammy.

My strategy worked well. Without the support of theri religious objections they really could not argue it.


My parents never forced any type of religion upon me!
They baptized me!
I never believed in any of it!
Seem too much like a "Get out of Jail card" when you did anything Bad or horrid!
I did attend bible classes in elementary school to meet girls, hence too get out of class and to get close to the girls that appealed to me.
Well worth the effort at the time! LOL!
Like the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah, I just could not figure out how one was suppose to hate and kill others, yet be love and saved by your god(s) you worshipped that seemed to be the same as those other individuals god(s)!

Hence, always an ATHEIST even in War within third world countries!


I was raised Chatholic and started not believing in my 20's, I considered myself an agnostic in my 30's , and really did not become a non-believer til I moved to the bible belt.

marym Level 4 Mar 25, 2018

I was around 36


I was raised Mormon, and I knew as a teenager that it was bogus. I left the church as soon as I could, on my 18th birthday. I didn't have a much of a choice until I officially became an adult. Since then, I've only stepped foot inside churches for weddings.


Recovering Catholic. forced to follow mothers religion, remember sitting in CCD (sunday school) reciting from the Baltimore Catechism thinking it was a bunch of bologna.. (I didn't know the words "bull shit" at age 8

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