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Do Americans Read?

In the UK there is a weekly radio programme called Desert Island Discs in which guets are invited to take 8 discs, an object and a book to a desert island. They are told that the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare are already on their desert island.

I find that most of my family in PA might as well be on a desert island when it comes to reading for the only book in the home is the Bible.

How typical of the USA, outside of cosmopoltain cities, is this I wonder?

Forkbeard 6 Mar 20

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I have a library in my house.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 22, 2018

I would expect most folks here to read and have their own libraries. It does however beg the question how many of the books in folks own libraries are read more than once? In my case I would estimate 70% but then my library contains reference books and music scores and only a limted amount of fiction.


Liberals read , conservative are told what others read,

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 21, 2018

A surprisingly large number of people over here don't read either. I still remember how incredulous I was as a child when I stayed with a friend at her parents' house for a week one summer and, after asking if I could borrow one of their books to read one afternoon, was told they didn't have any books at all.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

I belong to two book clubs; each club has between 30 and 40 members....all over 55 y/o. No, Americans do not read enough. In fact, I asked the librarian / book club leader if she wanted the names of Spanish writers to read their work (translated to English). She didn't know who were Borges, Rulfo, Martí. Allende, Cortázar, Bioy Casares.....I was afraid to ask her if she knew about Cervantes.


This is probably very common, but don't ask them if they know anything about the bible or scriptures, because they don't. If more people read what it really says, there would certainly be more non-believers. I think most Americans like to talk about being religious because it's so hip and they HAVE to fit in. It's all about being in a "cookie cutter" society.


Just because they own a copy of the Bible doesn't mean they read it, although they will look things up, like how God doesn't like gays and they will follow along with the preacher if they attend church. In my experience, however, non-readers exist but most people at least read popular fiction. Some non-readers are smart people of action- idiot savants, of a sort. Like artists too wrapped up in their craft to stop for reading or people who beware being influenced by other people's ideas. Others are just idiots.


The internet says it averages out to about 30, sounds in the ballpark. I usually read about one book a month and donate one book a month.


That is typical of white evangelicals, and "blue collar" US people in general.
They don't read.
Not even the Bible, although the religious ones give it lip service. If you ask them anything about it, they don't know and don't care.

They do read the passages that their ministers set for them to read each week. They don't read newspapers or watch the news on TV either so again they rely on their preacher to tell them what is happeneing and what to think. If only I could pursade them to read, even just the NY Times headlines on the internet. It would be a start and open their eyes to a world beyond their county.

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