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Who out there has crippling student debt? Are you garnished? How is repayment structured? Can you afford to repay? If you had it to do again, would you go to school?

NothinnXpreVails 8 Mar 20

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I gave up on paying off my debt. They garnish about a dollar a paycheck (so 2 bucks a month) unless I get a good bonus then they take 100 or so outta that, I think I still have about 30k left, they also take my entire federal tax return every year. And here's the kicker, I never finished my degree because I ran out of money. No I wouldn't do it again for any reason. Oh and the debt forgiveness didn't work for me. And I can't bankrupt my debt away because they are all through Sally Mae (federal loans). They got me good. Bastards.

They’ve been garnishing about $700/month from me and I didn’t finish, 4 hrs short. All tax refunds, too. They’ve manipulated thousands into debt slavery.


I borrowed the max amount my six semesters of grad school so that I could quit my job and focus on clinicals and internships. I pay an extremely low interest rate and haven't experienced any difficulty making my monthly payments. I also chose a career where the demand is much greater than amount of people qualified to do the work. My starting salary was about $4,000 less than my debt.

I wish I was in your shoes.


I dont' have student debt, but I do consider it to just be a modern form of Indentured Servitude.

In many democratic socialist countries in Northern Europe, college tuitions are free (as long as you keep grades up).



If I had to do it over again I would go to college for as long as I could for free. In some European countries education is free to anyone from anywhere. I could move to Slovenia where my cousins live and take classes in English, they offer over 100 classes in English. More and more students are doing this. The way things are here it wouldn't be a bad idea to go to other countries and find a place that values its citizens.


Ihave a student debt. i'v not heard from them in years though and as far as Iknow if Inever get a job Idont have to pay it back. so Idont feel crippled. Imean its not like loosing a leg . Maybe moer like an ingrowing toenail

Don’t work in the system equates to no garnishment for sure


I wouldn't say my student debt alone is crippling, but on top of my credit card situation it's stressful. I make monthly payments that I can afford more easily now that my car is paid off. I wouldn't do it again though. It was only a two year online program, but still a total waste of time and money. Not worth it at all - not even for the resume boost. If I were to get a redo, I would go to trade school and not have to worry about getting a degree.

I spent about 8 years, 4 at community and 4 at university, working most of the time and trying to support family. In the process I managed to accumulate a little bore than $60000 in debt and a credit score in the 400’s. There’s not really much of anything that I can do at this point other than starve.

@NothinnXpreVails Ouch. My credit score sucks, too. It's a long journey to repair that, unfortunately, but it's not impossible.

@WickedNicki I hope not


It frustrates me to no end you EVEN have to ask these questions. Apparently in America the powers in control think it works better to keep 99% of the population crushingly struggling and 1% in control of all the money. It does not help that the elixer is a hand held device that has distracted and kidnapped the thinking reasoning part of most peoples minds.

Indeed. I went to school to help solve coastal issues relative to anthropogenic and industrial waste processes. I’m a surveyor now.... what a waste.

Very well put.


I am so glad to have gone to school when I did. I was able to pay off my debt in about 5 years. A friend of mine had to help his son pay off his debt. The loan programs seem crooked now , making it impossible to pay it off

They do seem that way.

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