Is anyone here vegan/ vegetarian? Can you give advice on preparing basic meals and snacks?
Batch cooking makes it easy. My instant pot is worth its weight in gold. I mainly focus on starches: rice, beans, lentils, potatoes, & grains. Then I build my meals around them. I make complicated meals from time to time, but most often I make rice & bean bowls, & salads. I also make sure to keep plenty of fruit around.
Really appreciate all the info and I'll be sure to inbox for ideas. Buying the veggies is one part, but being able to put something together quick or filling is a challenge.
Yes, but since I don't cook, I'm not a good person to ask.
I avoid cooked and processed food, stick to nuts, juiced veggies, dried dates, but I do eat a small amount of fish for breakfast, and one boiled egg a day, for the Omega-3 oil I need.