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Would you have gone on Fear Factor to win the amount of money they offered when they were on TV?

EmeraldJewel 7 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Sure. You know they wouldn't actually let you get hurt. It would probably help ratings if you did get hurt, but you know their team of lawyers have made sure that every precaution was taken.


No, those shows are demeaning and show a grasping desire for material acquisition as well as being a method of stultifying the minds of the people that watch them.

Having said that The Bachelor is a great spectator sport in the field of embarrassing TV for conniving people to get their faces and names around social media


Nothing with snakes. No way.


No, I wouldn't due I probably couldn't do all what was of asked me. I would probably embarase myself in the process.

Hell no! I couldn't even watch half the shit those people ate!

@Vintenar I'm sure most of them had tummy issues after words.

I would definitely embarrass myself lmfao

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