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What memorable encouragement have you received?

Today I found a poem dedicated to me after my daughter Claire was born in 1990. I had a business giving seminars on all aspects of human resources management- from hiring to firing- conflict resolution, effective communication and more. Over 10,000 people attended in the first seven years.

Together, my dear women friends wrote:

"Small one, with young one, with moon-sized heart.

"The smile will thaw a winter lake so the birds can land and play.

"This one's sharpness, not like an arrowhead, but like a cooking tool, brings flavor and curiosity to each self's soul.

"The scouts, those on horseback know her voice, for she does not travel far but many listen like animals on the edge of a meadow in bloom.

"Trust her vision, for she is

Spark Palm Rising

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 19

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These are wonderful tributes. I've been trying to think of something, but all I can remember are a few brief compliments.


I had just got my first decent job in California and it was brutal. The physical part was about all I could take, loading trucks with milk using a dairy hook. The foreman came out and gave me shit about everything and I was sure I wasn't going to make it. Next to me was a guy that was training to be a driver and would only be there for a week, he could see that I was just about defeated, so he says to me, "that guy is riding you because he's scared of you, you're smarter than he is, you'll have his job in a year". I did. That driver was my friend through thick and thin all the time he was working in the same company.


I am reading your post, sitting alone in my first born daughter 1 year old 4 bedroom new house... bought on her own... to me she is always going to be "mi semillita"... my little seed... All grown up now. Smart, because she been listening to her mother... the other day she was telling me about dating this guy with a lot of misdemeanors on his record and she was thinking, "my Dad is the craziest guy I know and he has a Clean Record so don't tell me you are smart". Not having Priorities Straight is our Greatest Sin. I am happy for picking the Right Woman for Mother of My Children...Now I can put the pen down, close my eyes and smile in peace in my daughter's kingdom, knowing any Consort King will have to Deal with the Only King of the House... Her Mother.


Great encouragement. I have no doubt it is exactly right too.


"Encouragement" can take different forms.
Sometimes, things which are meant to hurt can turn out to light a fire which lasts
your whole life.

"You'll be dead before you're 30."

The person who said that, meant it.
I used those words to defy him, and everything he had once stood for in my life.
I'm still here.
Like I said, encouragement takes all sorts of forms.


From Stoic philosophy, somewhat paraphrased:

"It can always be worse. FInd a way."


Good words for your daughter; inspiring to read here.


I still have a personal letter that my mom wrote to me, years ago, saying things she never said out loud, regarding how she admired some things about me. I find it once in a while, read it and cry, but the intensity is kinda strong, so I'm happy to just remember the gist of it and not get it out very often.

One comment from a stranger I remember clearly, after only meeting briefly, is that she said she could tell I strive for excellence. Well, I'm not sure that's true all the time, but remembering her comment helps me keep to my course sometimes.


When a friend pointed out 'we can do this .... coz if we don't, we die'

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