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How to format your text in the posts and replies.
I thought I'd better post this for everybody that could be interested.
Just drag this document to your desktop and have it available if you need it.

Gert 7 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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thank you! that's brilliant - & how easy was that? learned something new here 🙂

Well, easy? It took some effort to transfer it to Excell and prevent that text was turned into formulas, but in the end it was quite usable, don't you think?

@Gert absolutely! easy for me, i meant 🙂

@walklightly I would given you two thumbs up if I could. You're so funny.

Enjoy what I made for you.

thank you, @Gert, i will, & if you got only one thumb you may borrow one of mine occasionally - for the twiddling.

@walklightly 🙂 🙂 I just discovered that I can give them myself 👍 👍


Cool-making it a favorite

🙂 So did I, after creating the jpg-file.

🙂 So did I, after creating the jpg-file.

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