8 2

Accused of condescension again.

What is the likelihood that a person of seventy years does not have either a birth certificate or a passport? No, not homeless, has a job and drives a car.

Aznicabu 3 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never had a passport and I have known people who have lost or never had their birth certificate or even a copy. I suppose you will have to rely on your intuition.

My intuition works about as well as my memory, but thanks for this comment.


I met a few people in New York City who have never taken a flight out of New York.


That is not you, is it?


I'd say zero probability


given your headline, it sounds like (I havent clicked on your profile or looked at your other posts) you are sulking about something? are you feeling hurt or called out?

Accused of condescension again.

I suffer from mistrust and often impose my world view on others.


Passport, Meh. If they never left the country, why would they
You can easily get a birth certificate by sending a few bucks to the clerk of town of your birth if it was USA
. Are you trying to verify they are not a scammer? Just ask specific personal questions, like, "what was your favorite pet as a child?" One-word answers, or not even replying to the question, except with generic "oh my dear, blah, blah, blah" is cause for me to Block immediately.


What's the likelihood that a 70 year old hasn't needed either of those things for 30+ years and has no idea where they are? You used to be able to travel to Mexico, Canada, and parts of the Caribbean without a passport so they may never even have gotten one.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 2, 2019

I was in a rush to distrust. I’m glad I asked the question, as I’m ready to move on to my next uninformed pronouncement .


Pretty high considering I too have neither.

Thanks, lots of sensible and practical voices like yours.

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