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Is a raw food diet for Cats better than dry

It had occurred to me to soften my cat’s dry food for him ( due to finding blood in his stool ; and softening his dry food was recommended to help alleviate symptoms ( which appears to be helping) but my question is ( I have heard of a raw food diet for felines and wanted to do “ my homework on that particular diet ) is a raw diet better than dry ?

AJimboShep82 7 Oct 3

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Uh... yeah! Have you ever seen a cat craze?

I just want to the right thing for my cat

@AJimboShep82 Then feed it the diet that their ancestors ate - it wasn't corn - it wasn't nasty kibble. They ate meat and what they got from that sustained them (do your research) a cat that eats internal organs makes fewer trips to the water bowl.

@SLBushway makes sense


theres a cat lovers group

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