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I’m Not A Doctor, But I Know That Trump Is Making You Sick

"You’re sick of his lies, his stupid tweets, sick of his dishonesty and hubris, of Republicans pretending he’s not an amoral ass …"

Allan Ishac


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 12

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"What fresh hell today?" I wince, checking news online each morning. "What horrific thing did Trump do now?"


All of them. Every single one of them. The yelling, screeching, blaming idiots.


He makes me so sick that I have avoided early morning news on TV for months now. I feel much better getting news form the Net instead, or watching it all from other countries.


I immediately turn of the radio when I hear Trump's lying voice. I only get news from reputable websites.


Sick of seeing him in the news all the time,would prefer positives things


Sick at my stomach since 2016, and having to dump more crap than ever. Thought I'd seen it all, but 45's blizzard of shit stank in the hot Texas summer, and I'm afraid it will get worse this winter.


So many are still astounded at the support he gets. We feel sad about it because it's an indication of a crumbling, dysfunctional society that has been lurking for decades, waiting to raise its head. Now that it has a voice, everyone's shocked. IMHO, it's too late to fix, as we're seeing this trend world wide.

It's a downer, and I agree, there's no easy answer. He has his following so brainwashed that he defines truth to them, and that's hard to fix.


Yup frequently

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 13, 2019
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