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LINK Border Wall Rising In Arizona, Raises Concerns Among Conservationists, Native Tribes : NPR

You know Trump and Cronies are just eating this shit up. Destroying the environment and causing the extinction of any number of species. I'm certain they're all hoping brown people are on the endangered list. 😔

SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 13

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Local residents are feeling safer in Arizona where OBAMAs wall is being finished to keep violent hungry sex trafficked dope dealers and gun runners out of their barns stables and porches or keep the invaders from stealing the vehicles.... IT IS TRUE however racist TrumpOLINIbots are cheering and uncaring for anyone who is alive along our CA AZ NM TX borders

TrumpOLINI does not give a shit for preserving desert species or RioGrande water life and Native Americans are forced to honor racist genocidal Spanish Admiral Italian incompetent Columbus 2day


Brown people are people! WTF!


Assholes are destroying everything

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 14, 2019
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