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Drop dead gorgeous or genius?

Would you rather have good looks or brains?

  • 2 votes
  • 10 votes
Biblebeltskeptic 6 Oct 17

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I would take the brains anytime because I love understanding and knowing things, but also have that understanding of being humble at the same time is great. That is my personal opinion because I am highly intelligent but do my best to use it wisely around other people.


I prefer beauty and brains that shows she is more well rounded.


I think it would be awesome to be a genius. I have always been more attracted to brains and personality than good looks. Besides, everyone gets old eventually and looks fade.


Unfortunately stunning good looks gets you very far in this world. You can pick and choose anything you want. You get jobs whether you're qualified or not. You get your pick of the opposite sex at least at first. And if all else fails you get to be a model and make millions of dollars.

lerlo Level 8 Oct 18, 2019

I'm happy with compatible.

She's both gorgious and brilliant to me, so I couldn't vote. Sry.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 18, 2019

Moderate intelligence at least. Drop dead gorgeous can get you almost anything you want in life. But one bad stupid mistake, especially when you have got the chance for almost anything, can completely destroy your whole life.

The world is full of drop dead gorgeous people, who were given everything and everything destroyed them and left them lying in the gutter.


Can't fix stupid sex only goes so far, prefer nice looking and intelligent ,but take intelligent all the time

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 18, 2019

It's nice to be attractive, but ultimately, I stopped giving a fuck about what people thought of me years ago. I do, however, have an insatiable thirst for knowledge on an almost sensual level. When balanced out, being good looking may get you so far for the wrong reasons (hence why I hate the Kardashians). But genius level intellect can not only get you far in life, but may propel humanity as a whole.


Brains as long as I can be average looking.


As long as I could still play music, I'll take gorgeous.

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