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While great strides have been made in gender equality I think we all need to change our laws, our thinking & our hearts to reflect how we treat each other. Over the years I have noticed changes in the perceptions on how as we in the USA look upon ourselves. Examples! same sex marriages, female doctors, male nurses to name just a few. We now need to take a giant step and change attitudes about what makes a WOMAN or a MAN.
Women do not need our protection( except during child bearing) Men can cry. Sugar & Spice and Snakes & Spiders have never been an accurate reflection of Truth!

JohnManning 4 Nov 18

Enjoy being online again!

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The main reason why we have problems like this is because of the way the human mind works. Once it has come to a conclusion it stops taking in information pertaining to that subject. Open minded people like myself and some people on this site are very rare. It is natural to believe that what you have concluded is truth but no body ever takes the next step, the scientific step. The woman who discovered telomeres and their effect on cell aging said in her book "Once we were almost certain that telomeres were responsible for aging, we started tests under the impression 'what if telomeres had nothing to do with aging'". This allowed her to scientifically analyse her initial findings and is the back bone for most modern research on regenerative medicines and therapies.

We as a society need to start opening our minds and stop coming to illogical conclusions so quickly. Unfortunately this won't happen due to one of the physical laws of the universe. But hey, one can only hope.


I for one have not seen a need to change because I have always practiced that I treat people the way I wanted to be treated. This has always worked for me and is a very simple way to live. No laws required, no enforcement needed just common sense which is lacking I am afraid. Just look at what we have elected for a president. I am so ashamed!

I completely agree with your statement and I can relate to treating people how you want to be treated. As you probably know, other people don't share the sentiment.

Also 1 question. With regards to "just look at what we have elected for a president. I am so ashamed!". I wanted to ask. Are you referring to Trump? Because if you are I just want to propose a possible idea. If we wait for his full term in office of 4 years and then look at what he has done to the country. Can we make up our minds about him then? No use to anyone if we jump the gun.

The reason Trump has such a bad reputation is 80% anti-Trump media and 20% the way he acts/what he says.

I'm sure that you have realized what his tactics are by now. He baits, waits and strikes. He throws out an extremely controversial tweet or comment, waits for the media to begin responding and then signs several executive orders that were prepared beforehand, in quick succession. It is a shock tactic because the media can't just react heavily to his 1 comment then shift the attention to the executive orders otherwise it plays down his comment. The target audience love to watch people debate how horrible his comments or tweets are but they can't show the executive orders because they actually work and are mostly good for the nation. If the media do go after the executive orders then they have to go after all of them. Which is what Trump wants. Once they find 1 extremist controversial executive order then Trump will reveal the 10 other orders that improved the nation. It's a very high stakes high risk bet so to speak.

Also are you or were you a marine? I'm just curious, I don't mean anything by it.
I'm sure it's obvious that I'm no Lancer but I do enjoy a good jab at politicians once in a while.


the change will start with the individual's thinking

I have no faith in a man as crude as him and one that cannot spell or complete a sentenace

I was a very proud Marine!


Hi Ms Oliver, I thought I would touch bases with you first and for the most part I agree with you. My generation was taught wrongly. Men & women were put into boxes, we were taught to use our gender's as a way to accomplish our goals. Men were the head of the household, women the little helpers. Women were looking forward to better themselves by seducing a man of potential. I was one of the original women's libbers and ran into opposition from both sides ( in schools & religions).
I think intention is the key to judging if YOU or I is on the right track! Hugs John


Thinking can't be legislated.

Hi Grey Wolf, You are right, but maybe we can make laws that piss people off and make them think. Will it work?


three steps forward, two steps back. The process is painfully jerky and whiplash-inducing, as there always seems to be ugly backlash to each breakthrough----witness the election of Trump after the election of Obama. But I do believe it is meaningful progress.

DeeTee, I believe there are no gaurantees. Social progress shpild never be considered some kind of autpmatic law of nature. Progress has to be fought for and defended. But at least as regards the issue of respect for diversity, visibility his a powerful force for refuting attempts to demonize whole groups of people. Bigots will still try, but more people will see through their efforts. Some other social issues are more fragile I think, like economic safeguards and social safety nets, .

Sorry for the typos. ...hazard of texting from a small touchscreen.

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