Just plain good people inspire me & of course good music. I have written 457 songs & have a web site at Jerry brugoto.net then Jerry Brugoto. It has 3 links on it. I write in a big variety of music. I have always been foolish enough to be a good & honest man.
Reading a good book always makes me want to write. If I need to write anything, but I'm not in the mood, I read a few pages from a great writer and I can't wait to get started.
I have no creativity. I have tried several things in my lifetime but have long since admitted the truth to myself. As much as I've always wanted to create something nice or interesting, or just recognizable, the creativity gene passed me by. I can't even do a paint-by-numbers painting.
This is particularly aggravating since artistic creativity runs in my family, with artists, musicians, authors, photographers, etc.
For me its bordom . Ha. . . And I like to ^try^ and write fiction in various forms