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Edwin Hubble questioned the expanding universe claims:

If the red shifts are a Doppler shift . . . The observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young.
“On the other hand, if red shifts are not Doppler effects, these anomalies disappear and the region observed appears as a small, homogeneous, but insignificant portion of a universe extended indefinitely in both space and time.“
— Edwin Hubble, 1937 Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices

I question the use of press releases to announce progress in science, popular media such as, and the scientific expertise of those who rely on such media.


Historically Facebook has shown to be a lousy place to be a reliable source for news. !
(not saying this particular article is 'fake'😉

So you don't think this is a reliable article?

@desertastronomer So why not post the actual (credible) source ?

@desertastronomer That's an improvement.
Pardon me for being technically pedantic, but the last part of that link
(?fbclid=IwAR3vJ3sL5zwqs29TcrIUu2gbaq41Jbe_u_9R9pp9oADcjxRzlUl8Q4pqBz0) is superfluous.

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