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Does anyone wonder how people can fall for a cult? People that join these cults must be brain num to be taken in.

These people tend to give up all their rights as a human being to their leader. I cannot understand why they do this. It seems that they have no will of their own. Has anyone had any experience with a cult in their family?

Marine 8 Mar 23

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Absolutely ! Harry Palmer's ' Avatar " by my daughter and son inlaw, with an astrnomical loss of money, the flat earth society by my son, along with all the rest of the conspiracy beliefs. and church. [ a rather childish belief in fairy tales ] There seems to be some strange weakness in these people to abandon critical thinking and have a virtual instant brain block to accept the rediculous teachings of con. artists and gurus.


Actually, humans are pack animals. We need to belong somewhere. Most have this need filled by family or close friends. Charismatic leaders have a sense for the disinfranchised They zero in on them and draw them in with attention, appreciation, love. After drawing them in the attention, appreciation or love is as irregular as a payoff in a slot machine. The victim stays waiting hoping any payoff - just like a gambler. It doesn’t matter how weak the payoff is- they are hooked.


It is amazing to me that people follow cults. I was a christian, so I guess that makes me a former cult member, but I was always open to reason. My reasoning eventually overcame my wishful thinking.

Nuke Level 5 Mar 24, 2018

I'm pretty intelligent, and I've belonged to at least three cults in my lifetime, for reasons others have already mentioned.


Some people are born into because their parents have already gone down the rabbit hole.

I think others are already religious and are looking for something more. Often once they're in it they either aren't allowed to leave or are too afraid to.

This is a form of child abuse


they get people when they are truly vulnerable after a family death , loss of a job ,end of a relationship or the favourite when they are trying to give up drugs or alcohol (see AA) . They are very good at manipulating people and you would be very surprised how intelligent some people are that do get convinced to join cults


I have often wondered how they can be brainwashed into joining a cult. Cults have always fascinated me for this reason, but I think religion is a cult, some are just more fundamentalist than others.


Cult or Christianity. What's the distinction?


@Marine hard pill for adherents to swallow, but, I'm inclined to agree


I've seen people do it for their mates, meaning they let go and pretty much obey everything their mate says. They look to them for an opinion they should already have for themselves. It's very disturbing to me.

It is abuse in a different form


Who needs smart cultists? 😉

Jagga Level 4 Mar 23, 2018

Falling into a cult is less about intellect and more about it filling a need. If someone gives you advice that actually works for you, then says it works because thetans or something, it is easier to roll with that and get more help. Soon, you are fully in. This is why cults and religions usually offer emotional support and, often, financial support. If it helps someone, they think that the beliefs are helpful, not just the advice, action, or sense of community. That person then fully commits.


They are sure as heck looking for answers, are emotionally weak, and some are financially strapped. Thinking back to Jonestown nighmare. Never had anyone in my family experience a cult.


Good book on the subject is The confidence game


Essentially, all those that choose to space out on gods have done that. They may not officially be called cults, but ...


It baffles me people fall for organized religion

Me too, but I was raised by a bully-pulpit Atheist and a cultural Jew. I have no frame of reference on being raised in organized religion.


I feel like a different species sometimes

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