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Bailed on hiking today due to hazardous cold

I feel guilty not going. Will workout at the gym instead. I need to stand the guilt.

Today's NOAA weather forecast:

"Unseasonably cold temperatures are expected today and tonight. Wind chill values will drop into the single digits and teens. Some icy patches are possible on area roadways in the morning."

Gro's plan is to hike Devil's Gulch today. In hot summer, that shady gully is cool. It will be colder than a witch's tit today!

"You should not hike when it's below 20 degrees," my hiking partner Karen advised. "It's dangerous for you because you're thin."

Karen and I plan to hike on Thursday. It will be warmer.

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it is okay to take a break from excercising when sick... but every person's mileage may vary... I am too biased, any excuse to avoid moving I shall take šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜›


Actual air temperature here was 5 below this morning. Last night the chill factor was at negative 10 - Iā€™m not ready for winter!


I hear you about the weather and not being able exercise outside. It's going to snow here on Halloween. Which I think is a first for this area or at least very rare.


Excellent decision suffering injury or death is never a wise choice

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 29, 2019

Happy your wise and taking heed and staying warm and safe


Thank you for your support. I appreciate you.


It is a passing front that will be followed by a warm up.

It's just the change of seasons.

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